Isaiah 21:14 The inhabitants of the land of Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they prevented with their bread him that fled.
Tema was a son of Ishmael. The area he settled in was named after him (Genesis 25:14-18). It was situated about 200 miles south east of Edom on the route between Damascus and Mecca. Medina is in the land of Tema. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fled to Medina with his close friend Abu Bakr when they found out the Meccans plotted to kill Muhammad (PBUH). They rested in a cave called Thaur. A Meccan tried to attack them, as there was a reward for their capture. He could not get close enough to do so. He was thrown from his horse twice. Muslim tradition records it was a miracle of God which prevented him from attacking Muhammad (PBUH). When he changed his mind, he told the prophet (PBUH) about his evil intentions and his change of heart. The prophet (PBUH) decided to stay in the land of Tema and founded the first Muslim community there.